The 5th transnational project meeting was held on 05/06 February 2024 at Düzce Municipality Cultural Center with the participation of representatives of all project partners. The general purpose of the meeting was the presentation and evaluation of the project results.

The meeting started with the welcoming and opening speeches of Oya Kocaman (Düzce Municipality) and Prof. Dr. Metin KILIÇ (Düzce University), followed by the presentations of the partners responsible for the tasks and the outputs of the project were discussed.  

R1 – Scientific Review – “What Works” in Promoting the Integration of Migrant Women into Society and the Labor Market
R2 – Technical Manual on Migrant Women in Host Countries
R3 – Co-Training Mentoring Program for Professionals to Support the Integration of Migrant Women  R4 – Blended Learning Modules for Migrant Women
R5 – Educational and Inspirational Videos for Migrant Women
R6 -Recreational Modules and Application
R7 – Interactive Learning Platform

Following the presentation of the results; all issues related to the closure of the project were discussed by the project partners.

On the last day of the meeting, Financial Management; Project Dissemination/Sharing, Promotion and Utilization of Project Results, Internal Quality Management Plan and all relevant issues were also reviewed, a timetable was established regarding the issues identified in the meeting  and the meeting was concluded with a certificate ceremony .

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